Nanny Job Details

Job ID: 4982
Location: Thornton, CO

Please describe your family:
Lisa and James married for almost 10 yrs. 3 kids, Christopher 7.5 and identical twin girls, Jordan and Micaela 4.5 yrs. a little dog named Rosie. Non-smoking.

Please describe why you are looking for a nanny:
My children will need a nanny for summer, 3 days a week. James and I work 4/10 schedules and are off on Tuesdays and Thursday so need someone on M,W,F

Describe the child(ren) you need a nanny for:
1 boy 7.5 yrs; twin girls 4.5 yrs. 3 kids total. We have a small dog Rosie, rat terrier/dauchsund mix, sweet and does not bark or bite. we do not smoke nor do we allow smoking in or around our home or children.

Describe your home setting: We have a large home in North Thornotn (on edge of Brighton) kids have plenty of space to play with large bonus room, basement and backyard. park right up the street.

We are interested in the following:
Nanny, Summer


How long do you need a Nanny?
Less than 6 months

Nanny, live-out

What tasks/errands do you expect your nanny to perform?
Will have to prepare lunch/snacks for kids but that is only meal and help them clean up. They are pretty self sufficient but still reuqire assisitance. Breakfast and dinner we will handle. only expect house picked up and left the way it was found. kids expected to clean up after themselves.

What activities do you want your nanny to do with your child?
Playing, reading, painting, crafts, playing outside possibly at park up the street. want kids to remain on property but short walk to park maybe possible.

What special certifications/requirements are you looking for?
Dependable, safe, compentent, loving with kids and good social skills with kids and adults can accomodate needs and easy going. Must pass all background checks, sex offender checks and know and be certified in cpr

Does this position require a valid driver's license?

Does this position require a car?

When will this position be available?

How many hours do you need a nanny for?
8-9 hours on Monday, Wed, Friday unitl mid-august when kids return to school. will have exact return date by end of March. May use for after school, holiday etc if things work out

How much are you willing to pay? Do you offer benefits?
$12 - 15/hour Salary to be negotiated/discussed at time of interview. No benefits.

Do you have any pets or animals in your home?
One small dog, short hair. about 7 lbs, sweet, tiny, quiet and loves people. will not have to walk her etc she plays with kids and sleeps most of the day

What else are you looking for in a nanny?
Easy going and flexible, again someone to trust my children with and know they will have fun and be safe as well as someone i can trust to be in my home.

Additional comments:
Days nanny is not needed (vacation,etc.) pay would need to be adjutsted for those weeks.