Brooke - $23-$24/hr - F.T. Nanny for Sweet Baby Girl! Flex Start Date - Lafayette!

Nanny Job Details

Job ID: 5504
Location: Lafayette, CO

Please describe your family:
We are an all-female family of three (four if you count the toy poodle). Our daughter is just over 5 1/2 months old.

Please describe why you are looking for a nanny:
I work outside the home and travel for work. My wife is a Professor.

Describe the child(ren) you need a nanny for:
One baby girl, 5.5 months old.

Describe your home setting: Two-parent household, single family home, suburban setting in Lafayette.

We are interested in the following:
Nanny, Permanent
Nanny, Temporary


How long do you need a Nanny?
1 Year

Nanny, live-out

What tasks/errands do you expect your nanny to perform?
Childcare, keeping the living areas of the house tidy (cleaning up after activities with the baby).

What activities do you want your nanny to do with your child?
Putting the baby down for naps (we are trying to establish a nap schedule), reading aloud to her, playing with her, feeding her (bottle), diapering her.

What special certifications/requirements are you looking for?
Infant/Child CPR. Must be experienced with Infants!

Does this position require a valid driver's license?

Does this position require a car?

When will this position be available?
Start date is flexible

How many hours do you need a nanny for?
M-F, 45/hrs flex (8am-5pm / 9am-6pm) etc. Flexible start date!

How much are you willing to pay? Do you offer benefits?
$23-$24/hr - Benefits negotiable.

Do you have any pets or animals in your home?
Toy poodle (pet care is not required)

What else are you looking for in a nanny?
Must be experienced with infants, nurturing, loving and dependable.

Additional comments:
We look forward to meeting you!