Kiki - $20-$25/hr PT Nanny for Happy Infant in Wheat Ridge! ASAP! Great Flexible Schedule!

Nanny Job Details

Job ID: 5563
Location: Wheat Ridge, CO

Please describe your family:
Hi, I'm Kiki and I live with my husband, 10-mo-old baby girl, and 7-year-old mini Australian Shepherd in the Sloan's Lake/Berkeley area of Northwest Denver. We work full-time* and try to play just as hard on the weekends with scooter or bike rides, trips to the park, beer tastings, hikes, live music, and more. We're first-time parents and have no idea what we're doing, but if I had to describe our parenting style, I'd say we're a good mix of Type A (me) and laid back (him), which means there's some routine and structure but lots of fun and flexibility, too.

We already use day care / preschool for part of the week, which is good for socialization and hitting educational milestones, but we don't want to have her in day care 5 days a week. Having a nanny allows us to vary her routine and also rest assured she is in great hands when we can't be there.

*Sometimes we work from home in a private office or are in and out of the house throughout the day.

Please describe why you are looking for a nanny:
We're looking for long-term help from a nanny/new member of our family who can help ensure our baby is getting 1:1 attention and exposure to new experiences even when we're not there. Professional experience as a nanny to a previous family / families is very important, as is stellar references from these families. This person will be an extension of our family, and we're looking for someone who is dependable, loving, fun, flexible, and a good role model for our little girl.

Someone who enjoys being active and enjoys walking or outdoor activities who can help grow a passion for living an active lifestyle in our daughter. We're also looking for someone who is comfortable providing us constructive feedback on how we can better work with you, and someone who is open to our sharing constructive feedback with them.

If you can speak Spanish, that would be amazing but not required, but being a non-smoker and a dog lover is a must!

Describe the child(ren) you need a nanny for:
10-month-old girl with a goofy laugh and is rarely without a grin. She loves eating and sleeping. Her current favorite thing is grabbing anything and everything and trying to stuff it in her mouth. She loves music and lights. Since day 1 she has been the sweetest child who rarely fusses. She just wants to "hang out" and is good on her own entertaining herself but she's engaged with other people/groups. She's a dream baby and we're excited for you to fall in love with her.

Describe your home setting: Tidy, recently-renovated home in an urban environment. We have a small fenced front yard and large fenced back yard. We live in a good walking neighborhood with a couple of parks nearby that are walking distance.

We are interested in the following:
Nanny, Permanent


How long do you need a Nanny?
1 Year

Nanny, live-out

What tasks/errands do you expect your nanny to perform?
Baby-related: Keeping the house tidy as far as picking up toys, cleaning/sterilizing bottles, spot-cleaning the counter or floor after the baby eats and drops food. Spraying bibs or baby clothes with stain remover when spills happen and putting them in the laundry room (but no need to actually do the laundry). Helping us maintain our solid food regimen of 2x daily snack times where we'll leave food in the fridge to be fed to the baby. Keeping the baby engaged and experiencing new activities which could include going to the park or local museums (we would pay for these visits). Pet-related: Letting our dog out into the back yard for bathroom breaks. Bringing the dog along if you go out for walks with the baby. Keeping the dog's water bowl filled. Feeding the dog treats if they're acting hungry. Household-related: Placing any package deliveries in the house when left on the porch. Potentially cooking occasional dinners or prepping lunches for us to bring to work, if the candidate is interested in offering this. We have a monthly maid service that comes to the house, so letting the cleaner in and staying around the house until she's finished (appox. 3 hours) if you're there on the day she comes would be helpful.

What activities do you want your nanny to do with your child?
Singing songs, reading, sensory activities like artwork, playing in the backyard, outdoor walks/going to the park, and occasional trips to museums local kids music classes, story time at a nearby children's book store (we'd pay for these excursions).

What special certifications/requirements are you looking for?
Must be experienced with Infants, a non-smoker and CPR/First Aid certified. Experience in early childhood education would be amazing, but also not required!

Does this position require a valid driver's license?

Does this position require a car?

When will this position be available?

How many hours do you need a nanny for?
20 hr/wk. Very Flexible! Do you want to work two 10-hour days or three 6-hour days with an occasional date night? Do you want to work two 8-hour days and a 4-hour weekend shift? Let us know!

How much are you willing to pay? Do you offer benefits?
$20-$25/hr, depending on if you're interested in nannying or nannying + some household manager duties (mainly cooking). Will guarantee the hours, benefits negotiable!

Do you have any pets or animals in your home?
Yes! Addie the mini Australian Shepherd.

What else are you looking for in a nanny?
Someone who can keep us updated on what they're doing during the day ( a couple of pics would be great!); someone who takes initiative and, if it's the right fit, someone who is interested in multiple years would be a plus!

Additional comments:
Thank you for reading this. We look forward to answering any questions you might have!