Nannies of the Rockies - Profile Details


30 - 40


Full Time

Boulder, CO
"I love supporting children's growth and I like getting to know each child on a deep level. It is so rewarding to have a close relationship with parents and to support each other. There is also a lot more freedom to go on adventures and expand on children's interests as a nanny than as a preschool..."

Interested in permanent:Nanny, Permanent
House Manager

Available for:Full-time

Live-in/Live-out?Nanny, live-out

Desired weekly schedule:Desired schedule: Monday through Friday 7:30-3:30, 8:00-4:00, or 8:30-4:30.

Salary range:Negotiable

Currently in school?No

Can stay one year?Yes

Prefer Summer only? No

Willing to work with the following types of children: Infants
School age

Smoke? No

Would you work with a family that does? No

Driver's license? Yes

Own transportation? Yes

Willing to do additional tasks: Yes

Are pets ok: Yes

Any allergies: No

Languages you speak? English

Primary language? English

Can swim? Yes

Have children you would like to accompany you: No

Would you consider a Share a Nanny Situation: Yes

Level of education: Masters in Human Development and Education from the University of Colorado Denver.

Additional skills or certifications: Vaccinations: Flu, Covid, Tdap, MMR, Polio and Hep B vaccines. Skills/Certifications: Basic baby sign, Infant Safe Sleep, First Aid & CPR, Medication administration, Pyramid Plus, Expanding Quality in Infant and Childcare, Colorado Shines Professional Development level 4.

I'm also willing to work as:

Experience: I have a master's degree in human development and early childhood education and 12 years of experience working in early childhood education. I am dedicated to staying up to date with the best practices for supporting children's development. Research shows that the most important skills that young children can learn to have a better future are social and emotional skills. I have dedicated my career to better understanding how to support children's abilities to effectively communicate, calm themselves, and work through their challenges and disputes. Children need to know that all emotions are okay and there are ways to express those emotions that are more productive and not destructive. Through my work as a forest school teacher, I saw firsthand how children learn and thrive best out in nature so I love bringing children outside to explore in all kinds of weather. I have a Reggio-inspired philosophy so I also love providing open-ended materials for play and art to support imagination and creativity. I follow children's lead and scaffold children's development in all learning domains through activities rooted in their interests and naturally integrated into games and play experiences. In 2020 I ran a pod of 4 kindergarteners through a Reggio kindergarten program I designed and executed myself. We operated the kindergarten as a nanny-share. It was great working directly with families and getting to know and support the children on a deeper level than you can in a larger care setting. I am also experienced in cleaning, doing laundry, managing schedules, keeping supplies stocked, and basic meal prep for children.

Experience with the following age groups: I have taught children ages 6 weeks to 6 years. Most of that time I was working with ages 2-5 however I have also loved my approx. 3 years working in infant classrooms including during my internship.

Interests and hobbies:I enjoy hiking, biking, camping, traveling, circus arts, board games, painting, and fiber arts. I enjoy sharing these hobbies with children and helping them learn how to weave, hike, do simple gymnastics and yoga, and feel confident in being free with their creativity.

Describe your childcare style:The most important thing is having a strong relationship with the children's families. For all children, no matter their age, I believe a predictable (but flexible) schedule is a top priority for creating a feeling of comfort for children. I am a dedicated nurturer. I seek to understand where children are coming from and support them in expressing themselves in safe, effective ways. For this reason, I do my best not to solve children's problems for them and to support them in solving problems themself. This extends into all areas, such as coaching how to climb onto the small boulders and animal statues on Pearl St using hands and footholds instead of lifting them. In this way, I encourage confidence and a growth mindset - encouraging children to draw and write even if it doesn't look like how an adult would do it. I try to spend as much of the day outside as possible and encourage as much creative and pretend play as possible. Research has shown that children develop self-regulation most effectively and easily by learning how to maintain a role in pretend play. Only occasionally show tiny video clips (to older children) to illustrate educational concepts such as a timelapse of how a caterpillar becomes a butterfly. With Infants I like to make sure I provide an environment that is rich in sensory exploration opportunities, such as setting up interesting shadows for them to look at and textures for them to feel and investigate. Since infants and small toddlers are still learning to trust that they are safe and their own regulation and calming needs to be mediated by caregivers, my approach is very different than my approach with older children. I make sure that I am providing a secure base for them to explore while being available for them when they are in need.

What activities do you like to do with children:Infants: baby signs, Ages & Stages questionnaires, providing sensory experiences, reading, tummy time, singing, cuddling, crawling, pulling up to standing, exploring outside, finger painting, walks and hikes with a stroller/carrier, etc. Toddlers: Field trips to local places of interest- fire station, park, bike shop, pop jets, observing a construction site from afar, etc. Simple cooking, play-doh, painting, drawing, pre-maths activities, pre-literacy activities, reading, music, hiking, playing in "caves" formed by low tree branches, splashing in very shallow creeks, observing bugs, pretending, pretending, pretending! And so much more!!! Pre-school/Kindergarten: Field trips based on what the children are interested in - butterfly pavilion, museum of Boulder, bike shops, recycling center, etc. Weaving, sewing, paper making, printmaking, jewelry making, story composition, writing skits, set designing, performing, finding fun locations to play outside on small boulders and low tree branches, guided support with learning to climb (no higher than head-height). obstacle courses, letter sounds, math concept games, board games, reading, bookmaking, anything we can think of.

Why are you interested in working as a Nanny or Babysitter? I love supporting children's growth and I like getting to know each child on a deep level. It is so rewarding to have a close relationship with parents and to support each other. There is also a lot more freedom to go on adventures and expand on children's interests as a nanny than as a preschool teacher.

What qualities are important in a Nanny or Babysitter?I believe that it is important that a nanny: Is in tune and empathetic with the children in their care and has a great relationship with family members. Stays up to date on best practices for working with the different age groups. Keeps track of and supports growth in all domains of learning. Nurtures a secure attachment and a love of learning. Teaches resilience, grit, and a growth mindset. Guides children in calming themselves, solving their problems effectively, and asking for help kindly (older kids). Provides a predictable routine with space for adventures and new activities. Creative and open to exploring new activities based on what the children are interested in

Additional comments:I look forward to meeting you!